
We aim to innovate the dental industry by optimizing the process of dental diagnostics.

Develop an AI empowered device that will assist (non-) dentists to analyse the dental health of patients.
HOWEVER, dentist in control, Verity offers recommendations and percentages, final decision always comes from the dentist.


patient care


Enhance dentist –
patient relationship



Usage Out of Office

Verity Offers a Wide range of Features and Benefits that make it an Essential tool for Dental Professionals and Patients alike.


Scan without proper access to dental care.   

Prohibitive pricing areas.  

1. Picture taken  

2. QR by customer for Verity Care App

3. Hygiene

4. Treatment

Join Partner Program

Verity Care App

Patients can download the app to access scans, track hygiene habits, and stay motivated to maintain their oral health.


Patients can download the app to access scans, track hygiene habits, and stay motivated to maintain their oral health.

AI Dental

Share dental images with patients for better comprehension and treatment acceptance.


Generate follow-up appointments and offer personalized dental hygiene recommendations.

Advanced Detection Capabilities

Verity app allows smooth communication and engagement with the patient.

Caries or Plaque Detection

Increased case acceptance and follow up appointments.


Oral Cancer Lesion Detection

Prevent severe diseases by allowing users to monitor their oral health.


Quick & Accurate

The Verity Smart Glasses make dental examinations more efficient due to its laser measurement and 3D imaging.

AI Diagnostics

Provide patients the best care and detect severe diseases at an early stage.

Remote Monitoring

Verity can be used by dentists and assistants in- and outside of the dental practice, such as in elderly care homes.

Improved Patient Communication

Visualization of diagnostics and treatment plan.

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Get in touch and we'll respond to any question.

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Book 15 min call with one of our experts.

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